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Start: November 29, 2022 12:00 AM
End: December 3, 2022 11:59 PM



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Join us at the 2022 National Healthcare Coalition Preparedness Conference and become part of the RIPPLE EFFECT: Leveraging Local Successes for National Impact. By learning from the local-level triumphs and challenges of America’s healthcare coalitions, we can adapt these successes into long-term, dynamic solutions that will benefit fellow coalitions across the country. Although our Coalitions are each unique and diverse, as a whole we have the same ultimate purpose – to improve the health and safety of the communities we serve.

Professionals in emergency management, healthcare coalitions, volunteer organizations and all levels of government (federal, state and local) will benefit from advancing their individual and collective skill sets by participating in over 40 sessions of content, sharing best practices, building partnerships, and interacting with the latest technology and industry thought leaders in the Exhibit Hall.