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Start: February 24, 2023 6:00 PM
End: February 26, 2023 1:30 PM



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A message from LeRon Lewis:

I’m excited to announce registration is NOW OPEN for HCA Virginia’s RECHARGE CE Weekend for EMS providers! We have sourced some of the top experts in their field to deliver dynamic presentations aimed to up-skill, motivate, and educate our local EMS providers! Click here to register!

With a wide range of courses and topics to choose from, there is plenty of opportunity for providers to earn continuing education hours towards Virginia and National Registry recertification requirements.

The link to the registration portal can be found HERE. Detailed information about the weekend, CE categories and conference speakers can be found in the Conference and Participant Guide.

There is no cost to EMS providers, however registration is Registration is required!

Lastly, I am incredibly sensitive to the dynamic nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, flu and respiratory illness season. With that in mind, participants will be required to adhere to all safety protocols which include temperature checks, use of hand sanitizer and limits on the number of participants in a classroom. Participants are also highly encouraged to wear a mask (although not required). Accordingly, once a presentation has reached its max capacity, registration for that session will close on the registration portal and no additional sign-ups permitted.

Registration will close on Monday, February 14 at noon. (Registration link https://forms.gle/UdJy7z9g6DLmnPcx7)

Myself and the Air Care Eagle Flight Team look forward to seeing you next month!

LeRon Lewis, RN, M.Ed.

TriCities Hospital

HCA Healthcare

411 W. Randolph Rd., Hopewell, VA. 23860
