This video was produced within the Northwest Region Healthcare Coalition of Virginia and funded by the ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program grant. It allows nursing homes and other related facilities to gain a better understanding of emergency preparedness and to assist nursing homes in their quest to be better prepared for an emergency preparedness situation such as a natural disaster.
Developed by the Medically Vulnerable Populations Workgroup through ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program grant funds, this video will assist families within Virginia who are dependent upon power for their medical equipment and includes tips on what can be done to prepare for an emergency event ahead of time on the following topics – communication, supply kits, backup systems, shelter-in-place, evacuating, etc.
Developed by the Patient Tracking workgroup and funded through the ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program, this video shows how a mass causality incident (MCI) can result from any emergency or disaster and can have a severe impact on first responders, healthcare facilities, and the public. The severity of the MCI can result in victims being transported to different facilities and families being separated. It highlights the patient tracking capabilities across the Commonwealth of Virginia and intends to show the stages of patient tracking, beginning with triage tags at the scene, through the VHASS Patient Tracking module at the healthcare facility and through family reunification when 2-1-1 Virginia is activated.