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Start: April 6, 2022 1:00 PM
End: April 6, 2022 3:00 PM



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The Virginia Department of Health Office of Emergency Preparedness partnered with the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health & Development Services, and Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association to conduct a virtual Community Based Emergency Response Seminar (CBERS) in April 2022. This year’s topic will be Mental Health Wellness and the Rippling Effects of COVID-19. Please join us as we discussed the different mental health issues that can affect us as we tackle responding and caring for others during this pandemic. Participants will learn about the various types of stress caused by providing care to others during COVID, the difference between burnout and compassion fatigue, self-care, and coping strategies.

Target Audience: General Public Workers, Healthcare Workers, Emergency Management Workers, Disaster Shelter Workers, EMS/Fire Workers, Law Enforcement, Local Health Districts, VDH Staff, Clergy, Educators, Volunteers, Contractors, and Retail Workers- Anyone working during COVID-19 and feel they have been affected by the pandemic.

For more information: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/emergency-preparedness/cbers-2022-mental-health-the-rippling-effects-of-covid-19/ or contact Adreania Tolliver at adreania.tolliver@vdh.virginia.gov.